

1.Manager User

  1. At first we create a Struct "Users" and the same name variable to store the data
struct Users {

address payable admin;

address payable alice;

address payable broker;


Users internal users;

  1. In the setUp() function we initialize the necessary roles
function setUp() public {
users = Users({

/// @dev Generates a user, labels its address, and funds it with test assets.
function createUser(string memory name) internal returns (address payable) {
address payable user = payable(makeAddr(name));
vm.deal({ account: user, newBalance: 100 ether });
deal({ token: address(dai), to: user, give: 1_000_000e18 });
deal({ token: address(usdt), to: user, give: 1_000_000e18 });
return user;

Refer: https://twitter.com/RightNowIn/status/1761094201071002000

https://rareskills.io/post/invariant-testing-solidity https://twitter.com/DevDacian/status/1732269870014992761 https://twitter.com/DevDacian/status/1758068540756881845 https://twitter.com/DevDacian/status/1732645103867773236 https://twitter.com/DevDacian/status/1747565664506909178 https://twitter.com/DevDacian/status/1733009929508917499 https://paco0x.org/foundry-invariant-test/

2.Tests Proxy Contracts


3. Fork Test

How to fork

First Go to Alchemy or QucikNode or whaterver you like, get your api

Open the terminal:

anvil --fork-url YOUR_ENDPOINT_URL --fork-block-number 19000000

then you got everything you need

4.Display amounts in exponential form.

function testDisplay() public {
uint256 balances = 566645678676;
console.log("My Balance is :", balances);
console.log("My Balance is %e", balances);


[PASS] testDisplay() (gas: 4103)
My Balance is : 566645678676
My Balance is 5.66645678676e11

5.Colorful Logging

function testColor() public {
console.log("Color:", StdStyle.yellow("Hello world"));
console.log("Color:", StdStyle.blue("Hello world"));
console.log("Color:", StdStyle.green("Hello world"));
console.log("Color:", StdStyle.red("Hello world"));

6.Using Debug and Inspect understand what EVM do during Code execute

forge inspect 0.sol:ContractName ir > out.yul

or use Debug

forge test --match-test test_XXX --debug